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Her thoughts would dance but she wouldn’t. She’d think of think of flying away but would hit the rock bottom of the valley; her dreams tumbling down after her. Each aspiration would strike her half-alive body.

She’d want to move each time but won’t have the energy to, as if lifeless. Often, she’d feel like a corpse but her thoughts would run like runners in a marathon. Each one trying to get priority; each one trying to get attention & reach its finish line.

The silence in that valley surrounded by mountains and the sun sneaking behind the mist would give her some moments of peace. She’d then take each dream one by one and make a bed out of them. As the dusk would turn into the night she’d start to resurrect.

The darkness would grow and she would start to come alive again. She’d take her strength from the moon even on the darkest of nights. Her mind would be calm again from the dim shine of the moon and her dreams would begin to dance.

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